





邮箱: xiazhao@mail.jnmc.edu.cn


2012.09 – 2016.07 曲阜师范大学化学专业 

2016.09 – 2021.07 山东大学物理化学专业 


2021.08 – 济宁医学院太阳成集团tyc33455cc讲师






1. 山东省自然科学基金委, 山东省青年基金, ZR2022QB201, 过渡金属催化杂环芳烃远程碳氢键活化机制的理论研究, 2023-01 至 2025-12, 15万元, 在研, 主持


(1) Jun-Bao Ma, Xia Zhao, Dongju Zhang*, Shi-Liang Shi*, Enantio- and Regioselective NiCatalyzed para-C-H Alkylation of Pyridines with Styrenes via Intermolecular Hydroarylation, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2022, 144, 13643-13651 (共同第一作者,IF=14.4, 中科院一区)

(2) Xia Zhao, Xiaotai Wang*, and Dongju Zhang*, Unraveling the Pd(II)-Only Catalytic Mechanism for Cross-Coupling of Vinyl Carboxylates: Insight into the Critical Role of Noncovalent Interactions, ACS Catalysis 2022, 12, 1809−1817 (IF=12.35, 中科院一区)

(3) Xia Zhao; wenyan Tong; Xiaotai Wang*, Mechanistic Study of CuH-Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Alkenes with Polyfluoroarenes Involving C-F Bond Functionalization: Noncovalent InteractionControlled Regioselectivity,  Org. Chem. Front. , 2023, 10, 5651-5659 (IF=5.155, 中科院一区)

(4)Xia Zhao, Jihong Xu, Chengbu Liu, and Dongju Zhang*, DFT Study of Ni/N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Catalyzed C−H Alkylation of Fluoroarenes with AlkenesMechanism, Chemoselectivity of C−H vs C−F Bond Activation, and Regio-, and Enantioselectivities of C−H Bond Activation, Org. Chem. Front. 2021, 8, 1520 (IF=5.155, 中科院一区)

(5)Xia Zhao, Xuexiang Ma, Rongxiu Zhu, and Dongju Zhang*, Mechanism and Origin of MAD-Induced Ni/NHC Catalyzed Regio- and Enantioselective C−H Cyclization of Pyridines with Alkenes, Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 5459−5468. (IF=4.857, 中科院二区)

(6) Xia Zhao, Yanhong Liu, Rongxiu Zhu, Chengbu Liu, and Dongju Zhang*, Mechanistic Study on the Decarboxylative sp3 C−N Cross-Coupling between Alkyl Carboxylic Acids and Nitrogen Nucleophiles via Dual Copper and Photoredox Catalysis, Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 12669−12677. (IF=4.825, 中科院二区)

(7) Xia Zhao, Yiying Yang, Rongxiu Zhu, Chengbu Liu, Dongju Zhang*, Mechanistic picture of the redox-neutral C−C bond cleavage in 1,3-dilignol lignin model compound catalyzed by [Ru(Cl)(H)(PPh3)3]/triphos, Molecular Catalysis, 2019, 471, 77−84. (IF=3.687, 中科院二区)

(8) Xia Zhao, Yi-Lin Hou , Bao-Chen Qian*, Guang-Bin Shen*, Thermodynamic H-Abstraction Abilities of Nitrogen Centered Radical Cations as Potential Hydrogen Atom Transfer Catalysts in YH Bond Functionalization. ACS Omega, 2024, 9, 2670826718.(IF=3.7 中科院)